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Tuesday, February 16, 2010


As you may know, we have opened up access to NING on our network. Many of the PLU's and online courses require using NING as part of the course.

Hence we are now allowing access to that site.

For those of you wondering, NING is a social networking site, like Orkut, Facebook, Myspace etc.
The difference is that NING tends toward "groups" with common interests like education.

Quote from their

About Ning

Ning is the social platform for the world's interests and passions online. Millions of people every day are coming together across Ning to explore and express their interests, discover new passions, and meet new people around shared pursuits.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Creation of Redmine servers

Hey Everyone,
In case you have not noticed we have gone to a web based form for Detached Duty. You can access the server from anywhere on our network. The URL is detachedduty/redmine.
If you have not registered you will need to click in the upper right hand corner and click on the register button.

Once you register you will not be able to view anything until I give you permissions (the server does not know who you are). After I give you permissions you can then access the detached duty project. If you then click on new issue you can then fill out a detached duty request form.

Glen Judd